Panagiota MITROU
Dr. Mitrou is a Medical Doctor (Internist-Diabetologist). Her current position is Head of Independent Department of Therapeutic Protocols and Patient Registers in Hellenic Ministry of Health. She is a member of the "Committee on Pharmaceutical Expenditure Monitoring, Integration of Diagnostic / Therapeutic Protocols and Patient Registries" and a member of the "Working Group on Updating Diagnostic Protocols".
Her research activities include Internal Medicine, Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolism and Real Word Data. She has participated in European Research Programs and is a lecturer in undergraduate and postgraduate study programs of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Harokopio University of Athens and Agricultural University of Athens. Her work has been presented in numerous scientific meetings, has been published in scientific journals with high Impact Factor and has numerous references in the international literature.
She is a member of several conference organizing committees, speaker and/or chairperson at conferences and scientific meetings, reviewer for the presentation of scientific papers at conferences, reviewer for the publication of scientific articles, Section Editor-in-Chief, member of the Editorial Board and member of the Advisory Board in scientific journals.