
25 Φεβρουαρίου, 2020
GENESIS Pharma was one of the first pharmaceutical companies in Europe to specialize in the promotion, sales and distribution of biopharmaceutical products and is currently the largest by turnover among Greek companies focusing on innovative branded medicines for severe and rare diseases. Through long-standing strategic partnerships with some of the leading global pharmaceutical companies committed to cutting-edge R&D, GENESIS Pharma has created a strong product portfolio that includes innovative, high-value pharmaceutical products for multiple sclerosis, rare hematological malignancies and severe forms of cancer. Its portfolio also includes the first drug therapy approved for spinal muscular atrophy, the first oral treatment coming from research in precision medicine for Fabry disease, as well as products in the areas of rheumatology, dermatology and nephrology, including biosimilars. For more information please visit: www.genesispharma.com